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  • The Secret of Barefoot Taekwondo Training !
  • November 07, 2023

The Secret of Barefoot Taekwondo Training !

Have you ever wondered why Taekwondo practitioners train barefoot? It's not just a random choice – there are some secrets behind this practice.

First and foremost, training without shoes allows for greater flexibility and agility. Going barefoot enables martial artists to better understand the mechanics of their movements, making it easier to feel the techniques' power and precise execution. The sensation of striking targets and protective gear barefoot offers invaluable feedback, enabling practitioners to fine-tune their techniques.

The Secret of Barefoot Taekwondo Training !

Another essential reason is protection. While regular shoes can safeguard your feet in everyday life, they can be limiting during Taekwondo training and competitions. Shoes can restrict the foot's movement, making it challenging to generate power, and over time, they may even cause foot injuries. The design of typical shoes is not suitable for Taekwondo, as the sport involves unique footwork and kicks, which can damage or compromise regular footwear. Moreover, shoes add weight and can slow down the speed of kicks.

In addition, training barefoot helps develop the foot's resistance to impact and enhances endurance, allowing practitioners to deliver maximum force.

Furthermore, most Taekwondo dojos have padded 1 inch thick foam puzzle mat to prevent injuries from falls. Wearing shoes on these mats can lead to premature wear and tear and make them difficult to clean.

The Secret of Barefoot Taekwondo Training !

Of course, in some situations, such as training on wooden floors or outdoors, Taekwondo practitioners may choose to wear specialized martial arts shoes. Some competitions also permit participants to wear foot protectors to avoid injury.

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The Secret of Barefoot Taekwondo Training !


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